Madness string 99368

Random mermaid
Never underestimate what poor hiring practices and a lack of training can do. Way back, I worked at a grocery store and my coworker called me over to help him because he couldn't get an item to scan. It was a potato. Not a potato with a barcode sticker, or in a wrapper or anything like that. Just a fresh, raw, skin-on potato, and he was waving it back and forth over the scanner, completely confounded that nothing was happening.

People misunderstand glitter. Treat it as a hazardous substance, not unlike a can of polyurethane, and generally you will have good results. Follow up by sealing it with polyurethane after for full effectiveness. It is not that it is not a child's toy, but that children miss half the experience, as they are not the ones getting glitter sealed to their skin with polyurethane for the better part of a week. They are fully capable of learning proper handling, and with this knowledge, nobody need deal with loose glitter ever again.