Madness string 44143

Random mermaid
To the precise extent that we are spared, even for a moment, we degenerate - and this Iron Law applies to every dimension and scale of existence: phylogenetic and ontogenetic, individual, social, and institutional, genomic, cellular, organic, and cultural. There is no machinery extant, or even rigorously imaginable, that can sustain a single iota of attained value outside the forges of Hell.

My mother's side of the family was Catholic, though not very good ones, and so had the usual assortment of statues, crucifixes, etc. Mom was definitely not Catholic, and when we were touring a new home for them, there was a niche in the wall in the living room. Naturally I whispered, 'What the hell is that for?' Mom answered, 'It's the Jesus hole.' Never laughed so hard in my life. At least not at a house showing.