Madness string 1207

Random mermaid
Hangover? Suffering Hypervitaminosis A poisoning? Vomiting? Gods got ya? Got that just-went-to-a-party-reeking-of-warrior-herbs-then-got-shitfaced-on-mead-and-sleapt-it-off-on-the-floor smell hanging around your fur? Feel like a family of incontinent ferrets did the same thing then slept in your mouth? Convinced someone lodged your own pickaxe in your head? Trying to explain comparative ethics to a sentient shadow whilst coming down after mixing alcohol, testosterone-boosting herbs and unrefined opiates? Birds singing far too loud whist the day DARES to be anything other than overcast? Try new aspirin-flavoured Mountain Dew! For the wombat on the go!

Look at me, boy! I am the headlight in the darkness! I have bent a thousand times but never broken! The world has worked this body over until nothing but the primal urge to survive remains, and I still got up, put on my clothes, did my hair, made your damned oatmeal, and pushed forward! Forward, by god! Forward we lurch into the dim horizon! We all go together where we all go alone!