Madness string 96051

Random mermaid
So this is a fascinating example, in practice, of the japanese concept of 'Ma'- negative space, the gap, the pause. It's where you just... stop. Doing lots of busy things in your day, getting from A-to-B nonstop? Take just... five minutes. Buy an icecream. Sit in the sun. Enjoy it. Life got you stressed? Stop and pet your cat. They need more love, and don't understand why you pet your phone more than them. Take the time. Sit with the little old lady. There's little moments in life that will add contrast to the noise, and without them, it just becomes static, a blur with no distinction. You'll miss out on both if you neglect one.

Today he is dead, his memory despised, his country in ruins. He had a thirst for power, a low opinion of man as an individual, and a fear of intellectual honesty. He was a force for evil in the world. His passing, his defeat – a boon for mankind. But thousands died that it might be so. The price for ridding society of bad is always high.