Madness string 94675

Random mermaid
I get that your horny brain made you think that fucking a coconut was a good idea, that's not even what surprises me. But your brain is supposed to return to normal after you blow your load, so why did your normal brain tell you 'it's fine to leave an open coconut in a warm room with semen and butter in it' and most importantly how were you not disgusted at the idea of fapping by using your several days old semen as lubricant?!

Why the fuck do people always remind you that Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food? Do you not think that I know that? Do you think I go to Taco Bell because I think the 16 year old white guy behind the window just made me authentic Mexican cuisine two minutes before I pulled to the second window? No, do you know why I go to taco bell? It's because it's 1:30AM and my life is terrible so I order a coke and five dorito loco tacos and shove them down my face in the parking lot.