Madness string 112751

Random mermaid
Yay, some dumbass (me) wasn't looking properly and wasn't able to tell the difference between RedBrown and OldBrown, so I had to go diggin' through a bunch of boxes to find the set which had RedBrown parts where it should've had OldBrown, as the Shrieking Shack has only RedBrown parts, not OldBrown, but the parts I was eyeing were clearly the wrong tone. For better or for worse, I was able to find 'em exactly where I thought I'd be, and I've made significant progress, but right now it looks like four pieces - so far - are AWOL, and sadly one of 'em is a 1x6 brick in RedBrown which is kinda needed for the structural integrity of the darn shack.

*knock knock* Anybody home?