Madness string 112156

Random mermaid
Some plants are made of antifreeze. Others just freeze solid and then repair themselves. Others still just die, but go out screaming, so loud even we can hear it, even if we don't know what it is we're hearing. There's getting attached to your plants, and then there's actually learning some of what they are. And every one is different. And every individual, too. Even clones from the same progenitor, over time they grow distinct, and some scream so much louder than others. But I don't want to hear them scream, or see them wither, or feel them lose their structure and break down. I can't just let them die, when they are so much themselves, each entirely their own. And that's why I have way too many fucking plants.

I don't pay attention to the world ending. It has ended for me many times and began again in the morning.