Madness string 102208

Random mermaid
This car's got history. It's seen some shit. People have done straight things in this car. People have done gay things in this car. It's not going to judge you like a fucking Volkswagen would. Interesting facts: This car's exterior color is gray, but its interior color is grey. In the owner's manual, oil is listed as 'optional'. When this car was unveiled at the 1998 Detroit Auto Show, it caused all 2,000 attendees to spontaneously yawn. The resulting abrupt change in air pressure inside the building caused a partial collapse of the roof. Four people died. The event is chronicled in the documentary 'Bored to Death: The Story of the 1999 Toyota Corolla'.

Your story is a perfect example of exactly why gaslighting is abuse. If this boy did exist in your family, and I think it's obvious at this point that he did, your family have all made you doubt not just your memories of him but also your ability to perceive and trust reality. This is deeply psychologically harmful. To be lied to for whatever reason that caused you to lose confidence and security in your own perception of the world. No child should ever have those kinds of fears.